Marian Vajda sur son retour aux côtés de Djokovic : "Oui, je voulais que Novak arrête sa collaboration avec Pepe Imaz [
Le 25/07/2018 à 12h20
par Magali
“First I wanted to talk to Novak in person."
“Second, I wanted to make a plan and rules for the following months. We were all together in Barcelona, we sat and talked. I told him that I did not like people from outside the team to influence him, as was the case before."
“Tennis can not be based on philosophy. It is a man vs man sport. If you want to be the best, you have to do repetitions in training, play games and be strong mentally."
“When you see the opponent, you must focus on where to hit the ball, not think about Buddha.”
“He was mentally weak at the first joint tournaments.'
“But it gradually improved, and at the third event in Madrid I saw the flashes of old good Novak.”
“Gebhard returned him to his physical form very quickly."
“Novak’s muscle fibres are ideal for tennis but his muscles needed strengthening. His diet is mainly vegetarian and needed animal proteins. It is impossible without them."
“This is how Novak adjusted his diet, incorporating more fish, because he does not eat another meat."
“Now his muscles are in perfect condition, he follows all the right habits and does what it takes to be a champion. I hope this continues in the US Open.”
"Novak called me after a defeat to Paire in Miami, he called me from the Dominican Republic, was on vacation with his family after two years, and I was at home."
"He called me and we talked for almost an hour – he was full of suspicion and asked me what I think about his game."
Ahha il a perdu contre Ben et il s'est dit, là c'est plus possible, faut revenir aux sources !
Merci Magali !
Quant à Pepe Imaz, sans commentaires, ce mec était juste un gourou aux méthodes douteuses et a enfoncé Novak plus qu'autre chose, lui faisant perdre toute sa hargne et sa motivation. Sa période de crise était en parti à cause de lui je pense...j'espère ne plus jamais revoir ce gars dans le box de Nole! :)
Hongrie au scandale, et pendant ce temps-là, Buddha peste... ^^
Merci, Magali. :)
Marci Magali....ciao Pepe...
P.S. : Si Djoko arrive à gagner Cincinnati, le seul Master 1000 qu'il lui manque, pour moi il aura réussi sa saison.